Guardianship is the process of appointing one person to look after the affairs of another. This happens when an individual becomes unable to look after their own affairs.
A guardian is usually a family member. However, the local authority can also apply for guardianship appointment.
The process involves an application to court and there are strict time limits. In addition, you need to submit medical reports in support of the application.

A professional Guardianship service
We will discuss the situation with you and will explain the guardianship process.
After that, we will obtain medical reports and other relevant information. This will enable us to satisfy the court that guardianship is the correct route to take. The court will confirm the appointment of the guardian if it is satisfied with the information it receives.
However, sometimes there are objections to the appointment. Other family members, the local authority or an interested party might lodge these objections. We will advise you of your options should this happen.
Our Guardianship service focused on your needs
It is never an easy decision to appoint a guardian. However, it may be the only option available if a loved one can no longer look after themself.
Finally, it is important to be aware that guardianship can be avoided if a Power of Attorney is in place.
Call us today if you need to discuss appointing a guardian on 01294 832112 or send an email with your enquiry to

01294 832112
opening hours
Mon - Thu
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM